TACT Statement on Anti-Asian ViolenceMarch 19, 2021
The past 12 months have been a difficult year for all and without a doubt, the recent rise in Anti-Asian violence and hate crimes is weighing heavily on us. It has been especially painful to see our elders and women targeted. It seems that now there are daily incidents being reported. It feels sadly familiar. It feels overwhelming. We need time to process. We grieve for the victims. We fear for ourselves and our loved ones. We may want to retreat. We might want to yell and scream because we are pissed.
It is important to acknowledge all these feelings, take care of each other, and ourselves. At the same time, TACT members are more determined than ever to work on multiple fronts to fight racism and hatred of all forms. We are doing it with our friends and family, with our colleagues and allies. We are doing it at home, at school, and across communities. We are inspired by the countless individuals and organizations who have stepped up to denounce all these acts of violence and are doing their part, everyone from the brave volunteers who have taken upon themselves to organize neighborhood watches to protect our elderly in Oakland and SF Chinatowns to those who are working at the state and federal levels to advocate for change. We are inspired by our educators who work tirelessly to educate and support students as they try to make sense of all this and to understand the history and underlying factors behind hate. We are inspired by youngsters like Ashlyn So, a 13-year-old seventh grader at Burlingame Intermediate School, who organized a “Stand For Asians” Rally. Indeed, none of us are sitting still. We stand with our community. We stand with you. TACT Executive Board We hope that the following information and resources will help support you in some way. Upcoming Events:
Fighting for Equal Rights in Education
San Francisco’s Harassment Ordinances
Fear, Racism, and Disease
Racism during the Time of Coronavirus